Bee Part of Something Amazing!
We're currently seeking sponsors for our 2020 Pollination Guelph Symposium Please review the information below for our 13th annual symposium to get an idea about what we're about and the value of your sponsorship.
2020's Theme
"Climate Change and Pollinators – What’s Happening and What Should We Do About It?"
Who we are
Pollination Guelph is a registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of the importance of pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies to the production of food and the ecological sustainability of our natural environment. Declines in the number of pollinating insects is now recognized as a serious threat to agriculture and the natural environment.
The Symposium
For each of the past twelve years, we have organized a Symposium to raise awareness of this issue and provide current, research-based information on what citizens can do to help mitigate the threats to pollinating insects. The Symposium is designed to be of interest to the general public as well as those with an academic or professional interest in the topic of pollination.
It features guest speakers, educational booths and displays, workshops, merchandise, seed exchanges, and more! For this year’s event (with ~120 attendees expected) we are delighted to be featuring a keynote speech in the morning by Mhairi McFarlane, Nature Conservancy of Canada, about their Actions for Pollinators Amidst a Changing Climate, and from Charlotte de Keyzer, University of Toronto, about How Pollinators and Plants are reacting to Climate Change.
What your Sponsorship Will Do
To make the event as accessible to as many people as possible, Pollination Guelph invites local businesses and individuals to sponsor portions of the event. This helps us keep the registration fee affordable for this full-day program that includes a catered lunch and refreshment breaks. Please demonstrate your support of our organization by taking one of the sponsorship opportunities and associated benefits described on the chart below or in the sponsorship package available here as a PDF (2020 details).
Would you like to be a Sponsor? Do you need more Information?
We would love to chat with you more about the opportunities available and how getting involved will help both you and pollinators. Please e-mail us to start the conversation!